Wednesday, August 29, 2012

“Where I Come From” Model Lesson Plan

Read and identify the key parts of this lesson (objective, standards, assessment, instructional strategies, student activities & differentiation):

Objective: After reading a model poem, students will be able to write a poem of their own (“Where I Come From”) using precise language, action verbs, sensory details, appropriate modifiers, and the active voice.
Standards: Language Arts; Grades 9 & 10; ESL learners
Use precise language, action, verbs, sensory details, appropriate modifiers, and the active, rather than the passive voice.
Assessment: Students will be provided with a rubric to guide their writing.
Instructional strategies: provide content (think-pair-share, model poems, criteria for evaluation), process (choose phrase starter, imagine activity, and poem stanza prompts), and product (rubric, individual proof, peer review, and revision) supports.
Student Activities: Provide supports for varied readiness levels (reading story aloud, think-pair-share, imagine activity, rubric, peer review and revision), learning profiles (choose phrase, stanza starter and format), and interests (family, social, music, etc.)
Differentiation Strategies:
·         Content—Think, Pair, Share (read multiple model poems)
o   Go over rubric so students understand criteria for poem evaluation
o   Define: precise language, action verbs, sensory details, appropriate modifiers & active voice
·         Process
o   Choose phrase: “I’m from…”
o   Think about your home at a particular age as a child. Write what you see in your head.
·         Product
o   Rubric to clarify poem evaluation.
o   Students proof individually, then pair up to peer-review.
o   Revise and submit final copy.

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