Friday, September 21, 2012

Lesson Plan: Macromolecules (Unit 2-The Chemistry of Biology)

Student Info:
Unit 2; Lesson 4—Macromolecules
Readiness Level: Biology: predominantly 9th grade; some 10th & 11th graders
Learning Profiles: Strong Auditory and Kinesthetic Profiles. Also visual. Poor in academic literacy skills.
Interests: varied, but include sports (football, soccer, basketball), parkour, drama, socializing and video games.

Student Connection:
They say, “You are What You Eat”. Turns-out, it’s really true. We are carbon-based organisms, made up of lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids. Except for nucleic acids, we consume the other macromolecules in our food, both vegetarian and meat-based. When we don’t eat healthy foods or exercise properly, we develop obesity-related diseases, such as type II diabetes and heart disease. Obesity is a growing epidemic in the U.S. and is one of the major contributing factors to early death. By educating students about nutrition, macromolecules, and their function in our bodies, students will both learn about the role of macromolecules in biology and learn about healthy nutrition to promote general overall physical health.

Enduring Understanding:
Students understand that we are made up of 4 carbon-based macromolecules: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Students realize that their physical health is greatly affected by the foods they consume. By learning about the content of the foods they eat, they can learn to consume healthier foods with complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and unsaturated lipids. They will also understand that we synthesize our own nucleic acids, unlike the other 3, which we consume.

Essential Questions:
  1. What are the different types of macromolecules? What do they do? How are they different? What do they look like? Where do they come from (which foods?)?
  2. Give some examples of unhealthy lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins.
  3. What is the relationship between monomers and polymers?

Instructional Strategies:
Provide content with a PowerPoint presentation, process (quick-write and share at end of PowerPoint, macromolecular modeling activity), and product (graphic organizer, molecular models, and unit test (Friday—9/21/12).

Student Activities:
Provide supports for varied readiness levels (visual and auditory presentation, think-pair-share, small groups to promote peer-teaching), learning profiles (visual and auditory presentation; activity for hands-on learning (kinesthetic).

Content Standards:
Grades 9th  Biology
1: “Cell Biology”
h. “Students know most macromolecules (polysaccharides, nucleic acids proteins, lipids) in cells and organisms are synthesized from a small collection of simple precursors.” (State Board of Education, 2002).

ELD Standards:
EL students are ELD III/IV
Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways
1.      Exchanging information/ideas
2.      Interacting via written English
5. Listening actively
Part II: Learning About How English Works
1.      Understanding text structure
2.      Understanding cohesion

By the end of this unit students will be able to:
  1. List the properties of water.
  2. Explain what acidic and basic solutions are.
  3. List what each organic compound is made of.
  4. Describe the function of each organic compound.
  5. Explain the function of enzymes.

Assessment Plan:
Entry Level—Each student will take a quiz (week 3) on knowledge of content vocab for Unit 2, The Chemistry of Biology. Students who are receiving a “C” or lower in the class will be talked with concerning their grades. We reviewed more for the quiz, checked student notebooks for completeness, and asking random students questions from their notes. The teacher will use that information to differentiate the assignment to meet the students’ individual needs.

Formative—The teacher will check for understanding by including questions on slides embedded at the end of the PowerPoint presentation. Students will do a quick write in their notes. Three will be randomly asked to share their answers. In addition, the exit ticket will include calling on students at random to answer questions written in the margins of their Cornell-style notes.
  1. What is the relationship between monomers and polymers?
  2. What is the monomer for carbohydrates?
  3. What is the monomer for proteins?

Summative—Students will complete a Macromolecule Modeling activity, which will be presented in groups to the class. Finally, students will take a Unit 2 test on the Chemistry of Biology at the end of the week to assess whether they have learned the key points of this unit.

Differentiation Strategies:
Check to ensure students are taking Cornell notes during presentation. Be available for extra assistance, if necessary. Allow EL and SN students to pair up during quick-write activity for assistance.
            Teacher will arrange students in groups for the activity.
Teacher will circulate during student activities to answer questions, check for understanding, and guide students in the right direction.
Teacher will review material for Unit 2 test by providing a handout and answering questions during the review session.

            Students will follow handout guidelines for activity.
            Teacher will pair up students to peer-teach each other in the review before the Unit 1 test.
Students who need extra time to finish the test are allowed to complete after class (or another time that fits with their schedules).
Students are allowed to use the resource center to complete their test, as stipulated by their IEPs.

1.      PowerPoint presentation, “Organic Chemistry”
2.      Molecular Modeling Activity
3.      Macromolecule Jeopardy

Link to the page on Unit 2 on my Biology Teaching Blog.

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