Description of Classroom: Class is arranged in rows facing
the whiteboard and document Cam. Movie posters of famous literary classics,
like Lord of the Flies and Romeo & Juliet hang from the walls. Students
have a textbook and workbook on their desks. Class is composed of 24 students.
Learning objective, class agenda, and homework is written on the board. Today’s
learning objective: “SWBAT identify the main idea of an article by looking at
important detail.”
Teacher & Student Activities: Students start with a warm-up. Two sentences with grammatical errors are written on the board. Students correct them in their spiral notebooks. Teacher calls on volunteers to make corrections on the board. Participants get a raffle ticket. Drawings for the raffle are every Friday. Students who win get to select a small prize from a goody bag (pencils, crossword puzzles, colored markers, etc.). Afterwards, teacher goes over the corrections with the class.
Students work from their textbook
to summarize the main idea of a long article with several paragraphs. The
article is about a nonprofit art program in Boston for high school students.
Students practice filling out their graphic organizer chart to write the “who”,
“what”, “when”, “where”, and “why” of the article. They have been working on
this article for 2 weeks. They have had practice filling out several of the “5
W” charts in the workbook associated with the text. Students struggle to fill
in the “Why” box and then summarize the main idea in a box at the bottom.
Teacher gives students sentence frames to help students get started with their
responses. Students work with a partner to fill out their chart. Many students
seem disengaged, bored, or confused. After having time to work together to
complete their charts, teacher leads discussion to give feedback. Teacher
struggles to get students to participate.
SIOP Observation Protocol Reflection:
Overall, the teacher gave very clear
directions and worked methodically to make sure students have mastered learning
objective before moving on. She spoke clearly and slowly to ensure students
could understand. She gave feedback on every assignment and checked for
understanding frequently by circulating, correcting written homework, and oral
responses. I really liked how much the students had to put their answers into
their own words and shared them orally with the class. Also, students modeled
their work for the class on the board several times, giving them practice
standing up in front of people, which builds confidence. The teacher used a
variety of techniques to make concepts clear, such as modeling examples,
circulating to support individual students, and pairing students together to
cooperatively work on problems. She also provided a graphic organizer to help
students organize their ideas, which is a wonderful scaffolding technique.
There were frequent opportunities for student-student and student-teacher
interaction and discussion, which is also a scaffolding technique. In addition,
students had ample opportunity to practice all language skills: reading,
writing, listening, and speaking.
The two biggest things I would
change are: making the material more connected to student’s background to
engage them more, and providing more differentiation strategies for individual
students needs. First, to teach students to summarize the main idea of an
article, I would bring in several different newspaper articles related to
student interests, such as: football, water polo, social media, television,
movies, and music. I would also try to find articles related to different
students’ cultures, such as a news article about Mexico. Students need to be
interested in the articles they are reading to be engaged. In addition, when
they can relate to the articles with their own personal background, they derive
more meaning from and, perhaps, even learn more about who they are, a very
important part in identity development for teens. I would also use
differentiation strategies to help more advanced students progress and help
struggling students catch up. The more advanced students could be assigned more
complex readings, or several, related articles to tie together. The more basic
students could be given simpler readings and supported with a graphic organizer
that had sentence frames.
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